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ME Labs, Inc. | 1-719-520-5323 | Example Program - REMOTEXT.pbp

PICBASIC PRO sample to demonstrate remote control using DTMF over a phone line. The LAB-XT will answer an incoming call on the third ring and sound a short tone to the caller. The caller can then control 2 leds by pressing keys on his telephone.
' Name        : REMOTEXT.pbp
' Compiler    : PICBASIC PRO Compiler 2.6
' Assembler   : PM or MPASM
' Target PIC  : PIC16F877-20, PIC18F452 or similar type
' Hardware    : LAB-XT Experimenter Board
' Oscillator  : 20MHz external
' Description : PICBASIC PRO sample to demonstrate remote control using
' DTMF over a phone line. The LAB-XT will answer an incoming call on the
' third ring and sound a short tone to the caller.  The caller can then
' control 2 leds by pressing keys on his telephone.

' Press 1 for LED4 ON
' Press 2 for LED3 ON
' Press 4 for LED4 OFF
' Press 5 for LED3 OFF
' Press 0 to disconnect

Define LOADER_USED 1  ' Only required for melabs Loader
Define OSC 20         ' Match the crystal on the board

' Define LCD registers and bits
Define LCD_DBIT  4
Define LCD_RSBIT 0
Define LCD_EBIT  1

seize        Var PORTD.1   ' Alias the line seize control pin
loop_current Var PORTA.3   ' alias the loop current detect input pin
ring_detect  Var PORTA.2   ' Alias the ring-detect input pin
dtmf_ready   Var PORTA.4   ' Alias the dtmf data-ready pin
select_dtmf  Var PORTD.3   ' Alias the dtmf enable pin
DTMF_out     Var PORTE.2   ' Alias pin for remote user prompts
led3         Var PORTC.0   ' Alias pin for LED3
led4         Var PORTC.1   ' Alias pin for LED4

   TRISD = 0    ' Set PORTD to output
   PORTD = 0    ' Initialize PORTD, all zero
   ADCON1 = 7   ' Set PORTA and PORTE to digital
   Pause 200    ' Wait for LCD to start up
   LCDOut $fe,1 ' Clear display

i          Var Word   ' Variable for loop count
rings      Var Byte   ' Stores number of rings
dtmf_digit Var Byte   ' Stores dtmf received digit

   LCDOut $fe,1, "Waiting for call"     ' Display user prompt
   Low seize                            ' Release the line
   rings = 0                            ' Reset ring count to 0
   i = 0
   Low led3                             ' Shut off LED3
   Low led4                             ' Shut off LED4

   Pause 1                              ' Pause 1mS
   i = i + 1                            ' Increment counter
   IF i > 5000 Then initialize          ' If 5 seconds have elapsed without ring, re-initialize
   IF ring_detect Then mainloop         ' Loop here until ring detected

   IF ring_detect = 0 Then i = 0        ' Clear timer variable if still ringing
   i = i + 1                            ' Increment timer variable
   Pause 1                              ' Pause 1mS
   IF i < 250 Then ringing              ' Return to loop until 250mS after ring stops
   rings = rings + 1                    ' Increment ring counter
   LCDOut $fe,1, DEC rings," rings detected" ' Display user prompt

   IF rings < 3 Then mainloop           ' If less than 3 rings, wait for more
   seize = 1                            ' If ring 5, answer the call
   Pause 250                            ' Wait 250mS for the line to settle
   FreqOut DTMF_out, 500, 800           ' Play a short tone to prompt the caller
   LCDOut $fe,1, "Waiting for DTMF"     ' Display user prompt
   IF (seize = 1) AND (loop_current = 1) Then initialize ' Re-initialize if the call is dropped remotely
   IF dtmf_ready = 0 Then listen        ' Check for DTMF present, if none loop again

   ' If DTMF present, continue
   select_dtmf = 1                      ' Enable the data output from the MT8870
   Pause 1                              ' Pause 1 mS to let data settle
   dtmf_digit = (PORTB >> 4)            ' Read the top nibble of PORTB for DTMF data

   ' Use LOOKUP to change the DTMF data to an ASCII character
   LookUp dtmf_digit, ["_1234567890*#ABCD"], dtmf_digit

   IF dtmf_ready Then dtmf_wait ' Loop here until DTMF signal stops
   select_dtmf = 0              ' Disable the MT8870 data output
   Select Case dtmf_digit       ' Take action based on the dtmf digit
          Case "1"              ' DTMF "1" lights LED3
                High led3
          Case "2"              ' DTMF "2" lights LED4
                High led4
          Case "4"              ' DTMF "4" kills LED3
                Low led3
          Case "5"              ' DTMF "5" kills LED4
                Low led4
          Case "0"              ' DTMF "0" hangs up and re-initializes
                GoTo initialize
   End Select
   GoTo listen                  ' Listen for next DTMF digit


Download the program file.