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ME Labs, Inc. | 1-719-520-5323 | Example Program - VOICEXT.pbp

PICBASIC PRO program to record and play multiple voice messages. Uses hardware SPI for 2-way communication to the voice device. Record messages in sequence by pressing the A key, speaking into a headset mic, then pressing the B key to stop recording. The first message may be played back by pressing 0, the second by pressing 1, etc.
' Name        : VOICEXT.pbp
' Compiler    : PICBASIC PRO Compiler 2.6
' Assembler   : PM or MPASM
' Target PIC  : PIC16F877-20, PIC18F452 or similar type
' Hardware    : LAB-XT Experimenter Board
' Oscillator  : 20MHz external
' Description : PICBASIC PRO program to record and play multiple voice messages.
' Uses hardware SPI for 2-way communication to the voice device.
' Record messages in sequence by pressing the A key, speaking into a headset mic,
' then pressing the B key to stop recording. The first message may be played back
' by pressing 0, the second by pressing 1, etc.

' MeLabs PIC programmer should not be connected to the ICSP header
' when running this code. It may interfere with the operation
' of the keypad.  

Define LOADER_USED 1  ' Only required for melabs Loader
Define OSC 20         ' Match the crystal on the board

' Define LCD registers and bits
Define LCD_DBIT  4
Define LCD_RSBIT 0
Define LCD_EBIT  1

select_voice   Var PORTD.2   ' Chip select for voice recorder
serial_mcu_out Var PORTC.5   ' SPI data output
serial_clk     Var PORTC.3   ' SPI clock pin
voice_int      Var PORTA.5   ' Interrupt signal from voice device

   ADCON1 = 7           ' Set PORTA and PORTE to digital
   Pause 200            ' Wait for LCD to start up
   LCDOut $fe,1         ' Clear display

' Define program variables
col          Var Byte   ' Keypad column
row          Var Byte   ' Keypad row
key          Var Byte   ' Key value
control      Var Byte
address      Var Word
isd_data_in  Var Word
isd_data_out Var Word
message_loc  Var Word[16]
i            Var Byte

   i = 0
   High select_voice

' set up SPI port
BF Var SSPSTAT.0        ' Alias Buffer Full flag

   SSPSTAT = %01000000  ' Set SMP=0, CKE=1
   SSPCON = %00100010   ' Set CKP=0, SPI master, clock = Fosc/64, Enable the port
   TRISC = %00010100    ' Set data-direction to allow SPI on PortC

   OPTION_REG.7 = 0     ' Enable PORTB pullups

   LCDOut $fe, 1, "A to record" ' Display intitial prompt
   LCDOut $fe,$C0, "B to stop"          

   'IF (isd_on = 1) AND (voice_int = 0) Then GoSub finish
   GoSub getkey                         ' Get a key from the keypad
   Select Case key                      ' Take action based on key
   Case 12                              ' "A" key starts recording
        LCDOut $fe,1, "recording message: ",DEC i ' Display
        LCDOut $fe,$c0, "address: ",HEX message_loc[i] ' Display        
        address = message_loc[i]        ' Set address to begin recording
        GoSub record                    ' send record command to voice chip

   Case 13                              ' "B" key stops recording
        LCDOut $fe,1, "stop"            ' Display               
        GoSub finish    ' Send stop command and receive end address
        i = (i + 1) & $0F               ' Increment message counter, loop 0 to 15
        message_loc[i] = (isd_data_in >> 2) + 2 ' Remove status bits from end address, add 2 for separation
   Case Is < 10         ' Number keys play the corresponding message
        LCDOut $fe,1, "playing message: ",DEC key        ' Display
        LCDOut $fe,$c0, "address: ", HEX message_loc[key]' Display
        address = message_loc[key]      ' Set playback address
        GoSub ply                       ' Send play command
        IF voice_int = 1 Then wait_for_int ' Loop here until end of message
        GoSub finish       ' Power down the voice chip
        GoTo initialize    ' Reinitialize the display
   End Select
   GoTo mainloop           ' Do it forever

' Subroutine to get a key from keypad
   ' Check for keypress
   For row = 0 TO 3        ' Loop for 4 rows in keypad
       PORTB = 0           ' All output pins low
       TRISB = ~(DCD row)  ' Set one row pin to output
       '@ NOP              ' Fudge for 18F452
       col = PORTB >> 4    ' Read column pins
       IF col != $0F Then  ' Check if key is pressed
          HPwm 1,127,7500  ' Begin speaker tick
          GoTo gotkey      ' If any keydown, exit loop and handle it.
   Next row                ' Repeat for the next row
   key = $FF               ' No keys down, set key to $FF
   Return                  ' Return to main loop
gotkey:                    ' Change row and column to key number 0 - 15
   Pause 15                ' Debounce
   HPwm 1,0,0              ' End speaker tick
   ' Wait for all keys up
   PORTB = 0               ' All output pins low
   TRISB = $F0             ' Least significant 4 pins out, top 4 pins in
   IF ((PORTB >> 4) != $0F) Then gotkey ' If any keys down, loop
   key = (row * 4) + (NCD (col^$0F)) - 1' Combine row and column into numeric value
   ' Translate key to display label:
   ' 1  2  3  A
   ' 4  5  6  B
   ' 7  8  9  C
   ' *  0  #  D
   'LookUp key,["123A456B789C*0#D"],disp_key
   ' Translate key to DTMFOUT tone
   ' 1   2   3   12
   ' 4   5   6   13
   ' 7   8   9   14
   ' 10  0   11  15
   LookUp key,[1,2,3,12,4,5,6,13,7,8,9,14,10,0,11,15],key
   Return               ' Return to main loop

' ISD4003 Control Values:
power_up  CON %00100000 ' Power up the device   
set_play  CON %11100000 ' Set the playback address
play      CON %11110000 ' Start playback
set_rec   CON %10100000 ' Set the record address
rec       CON %10110000 ' Start recording
power_dwn CON %00010000 ' Stop playback or record and power down the device

record:                 ' Record a message
   control = power_up   ' Set control byte to power up
   GoSub spi_send       ' Send to device
   Pause 100            ' Pause to let the device come up

   control = set_rec    ' Set control byte to set record address
   GoSub spi_send       ' Send to device
   Return               ' Return to main loop
   control = power_up   ' Set control byte to power up
   GoSub spi_send       ' Send to device
   Pause 50             ' Pause to let the device come up
   control = set_play   ' Set control byte to set play address
   GoSub spi_send       ' Send to device
   control = power_dwn  ' Set control byte to power down
   GoSub spi_send       ' Send to device
   Return               ' Return to main loop
spi_send:               ' Use hardware SPI port to send and receive simultaneously
   Low select_voice     ' Select voice chip
   address.highbyte = (address.highbyte & %00000111) | control ' Combine address and control data
   isd_data_out = address REV 16        ' Reverse the bits for LSB first
   SSPBUF = isd_data_out.highbyte       ' Write the first byte to SSPBUF to initiate trasfer
   GoSub spi_wait                       ' Wait for transfer to finish
   isd_data_in.highbyte = SSPBUF        ' Read the incoming data from SSPBUF

   SSPBUF = isd_data_out.lowbyte        ' Write the second byte to SSPBUF to initiate transfer
   GoSub spi_wait                       ' Wait for transfer to finish
   isd_data_in.lowbyte = SSPBUF ' Read the incoming data from SSPBUF
   isd_data_in = isd_data_in REV 16     ' Reverse the bits of incoming data (received LSB first)
   High select_voice    ' Deselect voice chip
spi_wait:                               ' Wait for transfer to finish
   IF BF = 0 Then spi_wait              ' If the flag is still zero, keep waiting
   BF = 0                               ' Reset the flag



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