ME Labs, Inc. 719-520-5323 |
ME Labs, Inc. | 1-719-520-5323 | Example Program - SOUND.pbpPICBASIC PRO Code to demonstrate the SOUND command. Makes random computer-like noises. More refinement might make sound effects realistic enough to convince your boss youre working when youre really just playing Doom!!!' Name : SOUND.pbp ' Compiler : PICBASIC PRO Compiler 2.6 ' Assembler : PM or MPASM ' Target PIC : 12F, 16F, 18F ' Hardware : 8-ohm speaker, 10uF electrolytic or tantalum cap ' Oscillator : 4MHz internal or external ' Keywords : RANDOM, SOUND ' Description : PICBASIC PRO Code to demonstrate the SOUND command. ' Makes random computer-like noises. More refinement might make sound effects ' realistic enough to convince your boss you're working when you're really ' just playing Doom!!! ' Include "bs1defs.bas" ' Include BS1 variables SND con 0 ' Define speaker pin mainloop: Random W0 ' Randomize W0 B2 = (B0 & 31) + 64 ' Generate notes [64..95] If B2 >= 68 Then beep ' Make [64..68] silence B2 = 0 beep: Sound SND,[B2,4] ' Generate sound Goto mainloop ' Forever End Download the program file. |
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