PICBASIC� Compiler
Copyright �2002
ME Labs, Inc.
All rights reserved.
This manual describes the use and operation of the PICBASIC� Compiler from ME Labs, Inc. Use of the PICBASIC� Compiler without first obtaining a license is a violation of law. To obtain a license, along with the latest version of the product and documentation, contact ME Labs, Inc.
Publication and redistribution of this manual over the Internet or in any other medium without prior written consent is expressly forbidden. In all cases this copyright notice must remain intact and unchanged.
ME Labs, Inc.
Box 60039
Colorado Springs CO 80960-0039
(719) 520-5323
(719) 520-1867 fax
email: support@melabs.com
web: www.melabs.com
EPIC and PICBASIC� are trademarks of ME Labs, Inc.
Parallax, BASIC Stamp and PBASIC are trademarks of Parallax, Inc.
PICmicro is a registered trademark of Microchip Technology Inc.