ME Labs, Inc. 719-520-5323 |
ME Labs, Inc. | 1-719-520-5323 | Example Program - RWCODEX.pbpPICBASIC PRO program to read and write to code space Flash Program Write must be enabled on your programmer. Writes to 8 locations of code space beginning at $1800. Reads 8 locations back and sends to LCD repeatedly.' Name : RWCODEX.pbp ' Compiler : PICBASIC PRO Compiler 2.60 ' Assembler : PM or MPASM ' Target PIC : 40-pin 16F887 ' Hardware : LAB-X1 Experimenter Board ' Oscillator : 4MHz external crystal ' Keywords : READCODE, WRITECODE, LCDOUT ' Description : PICBASIC PRO program to read and write to code space ' Flash Program Write must be enabled on your programmer. Writes to 8 ' locations of code space beginning at $1800. Reads 8 locations back ' and sends to LCD repeatedly. ' ' Define LCD registers and bits Define LCD_DREG PORTD Define LCD_DBIT 4 Define LCD_RSREG PORTE Define LCD_RSBIT 0 Define LCD_EREG PORTE Define LCD_EBIT 1 I Var byte ' Loop count D Var byte ' Data A Var word ' Address ANSEL = %00000000 ' Make AN0-AN7 digital ANSELH= %00000000 ' Make AN8-AN13 digital Low PORTE.2 ' LCD R/W line low (W) Pause 100 ' Wait for LCD to start up For I = 0 To 7 ' Loop 8 times, once for each address $1800 to $1807 A = $1800 + I ' Increment Address D = I + $A0 ' Change Data Writecode A,D ' Send value in D to code space location A Next I mainloop: For I = 0 To 7 ' Loop 8 times, once for each address $1800 to $1807 A = $1800 + I ' Increment Address Readcode A,D ' Get data in location A Lcdout $fe,1,hex A,": ",hex D ' Display the location and data Pause 1000 Next I Goto mainloop End Download the program file. |
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