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ME Labs, Inc. | 1-719-520-5323 | Example Program - STRTBLX.pbp

PICBASIC PRO program to demonstrate a method of storing text strings in a table. The strings can be called by storing the location of the first character in a variable and calling the strout subroutine. The string will be sent to both LCD and Serial pin and the main program will resume when the null terminating character is encountered in the table.
' Name        : STRTBLX.pbp
' Compiler    : PICBASIC PRO Compiler 2.60
' Assembler   : PM or MPASM
' Target PIC  : 40-pin 16F887
' Hardware    : LAB-X1 Experimenter Board
' Oscillator  : 4MHz external crystal
' Keywords    : LCDOUT, LOOKUP, SEROUT2
' Description : PICBASIC PRO program to demonstrate a method of storing
' text strings in a table. The strings can be called by storing the
' location of the first character in a variable and calling the strout subroutine.
' The string will be sent to both LCD and Serial pin and the main program will
' resume when the null terminating character is encountered in the table.

' Define LCD registers and bits
Define LCD_DBIT  0
Define LCD_RSBIT 0
Define LCD_EBIT  1
Define LCD_BITS  8

strloc   VAR BYTE   ' Stores the numerical location of the first character in the string
nextchar VAR BYTE   ' Stores each charater retrieved from the table

' Use constants to hold the locations of your strings. This will make
' modifications easier and it doesn't use any RAM or code space.
hello CON 0         ' "Hello" is at location 0
world CON 6	    ' "World" is at location 6

   ANSEL = %00000000 ' Make PORTA and PORTE digital
   ANSELH= %00000000 ' Make PORTA and PORTE digital
   Low PORTE.2      ' LCD R/W line low (W)
   Pause 200        ' Wait for LCD to start up

mainloop:	    ' Main program starts here
   LCDOut $fe, 1    ' Clear LCD screen
   SerOut2 PORTC.6, 396, [10,13,10,13] ' Send linefeeds on serial
   Pause 500        ' Wait .5 second

   strloc = hello   ' Prepare to get string "Hello" (strloc = 0)
   GoSub strout     ' Display the string
   Pause 500        ' Wait .5 second
   LCDOut $fe, $c0  ' Move LCD cursor to second line
   SerOut2 PORTC.6, 396, [10,13] ' Send linefeed on serial
   strloc = world   ' Prepare to get string "World" (strloc = 6)
   GoSub strout	    ' Make it so
   Pause 500        ' Wait .5 second
   GoTo mainloop    ' Do it forever

' Beginning of string-display routine
   ' Put strings in this table, terminating each with a 0 (null value)
   LookUp strloc, ["Hello",0,"World",0], nextchar ' get character in specified location
   IF nextchar != 0 Then   ' Check for null value (end of string), if not null:
      LCDOut nextchar	   ' Put the character on the display
      SerOut2 PORTC.6, 396, [nextchar]	' Send the character on the serial port.
      strloc = strloc + 1  ' Increment position in table
      GoTo strout	   ' Jump to get another character
   Return		   ' Return when the string is complete


Download the program file.