ME Labs, Inc. 719-520-5323 |
ME Labs, Inc. | 1-719-520-5323 | Example Program - SERVOX3.pbpPICBASIC PRO program to move an RC servo using buttons. Button 1 moves servo left, 2 moves servo right. Press both buttons to center servo.' Name : SERVOX3.pbp ' Compiler : PICBASIC PRO Compiler 2.6 ' Assembler : PM or MPASM ' Target PIC : PIC16F627A or similar 18-pin type compatible with LAB-X3 board ' Hardware : LAB-X3 Experimenter Board ' Oscillator : 4MHz external crystal ' Keywords : IF THEN, LCDOUT ' Description : PICBASIC PRO program to move an RC servo using buttons. ' Button 1 moves servo left, 2 moves servo right. Press both buttons to ' center servo. ' ' Define LCD registers and bits Define LCD_DREG PORTA Define LCD_DBIT 0 Define LCD_RSREG PORTA Define LCD_RSBIT 4 Define LCD_EREG PORTB Define LCD_EBIT 3 pos Var Word ' Servo position servo1 Var PORTB.6 ' Alias servo pin CMCON = 7 ' PORTA to digital Pause 100 ' Wait for LCD to startup OPTION_REG = $7f ' Enable PORTB pullups Low servo1 ' Servo output low Gosub center ' Center servo ' Main program loop mainloop: ' Check any button pressed to move servo If PORTB.7 = 0 Then If PORTA.5 = 0 Then Gosub center Else Gosub left Endif Endif If PORTA.5 = 0 Then Gosub right Endif servo1 = 1 ' Start servo pulse Pauseus 1000 + pos servo1 = 0 ' End servo pulse Pause 16 ' Servo update rate about 60Hz Goto mainloop ' Do it all forever ' Move servo left left: if pos < 1000 Then pos = pos + 1 Lcdout $fe, 1, "Position = ", #pos Endif Return ' Move servo right right: If pos != 0 Then pos = pos - 1 Lcdout $fe, 1, "Position = ", #pos Endif Return ' Center servo center: pos = 500 Lcdout $fe, 1, "Position = ", #pos Return End Download the program file. |
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