ME Labs, Inc. 719-520-5323 |
ME Labs, Inc. | 1-719-520-5323 | Example Program - DACXU.pbpPICBASIC PRO program to demonstrate the use of the MAX549A Digital to Analog Converter. This program causes the DAC to output a sawtooth wave on channel A and a sinewave on channel B.' Name : DACXU.pbp ' Compiler : PICBASIC PRO Compiler 2.6 ' Assembler : MPASM ' Target PIC : PIC18F4550 or similar type ' Hardware : LAB-XUSB Experimenter Board ' Oscillator : 20MHz external ' Keywords : SHIFTOUT ' Description : PICBASIC PRO program to demonstrate the use of the ' MAX549A Digital to Analog Converter. This program causes the DAC ' to output a sawtooth wave on channel A and a sinewave on channel B. ' ' Define LOADER_USED to allow use of the boot loader. ' This will not affect normal program operation. Define LOADER_USED 1 ' RESET_ORG can be set to move the BASIC program out of the way ' of any boot loader running from location 0, such as the ' Microchip USB boot loader 'Define RESET_ORG 800h Define OSC 48 ' Core is running at 48MHz CS Var PORTC.0 ' Alias DAC chip select pin Sclk Var PORTC.1 ' Alias DAC serial clock pin Din Var PORTC.2 ' Alias DAC serial data pin Achout Var Byte ' stores value for DAC A channel Bchout Var Byte ' stores value for DAC B channel updateA Con %00001001 ' DAC instruction: update channel A updateB Con %00001010 ' DAC instruction: update channel B TRISC = %11111000 ' Set DAC control pins to output CS = 1 ' Set chip select high (not selected) Sclk = 0 ' Set clock low (idle state) ' Loop counts 0 to 255 repeatedly and sends this value to channel A on ' the DAC. The SIN of the channel A value is sent to channel B. mainloop: Achout = Achout + 1 ' Increment channel A value Bchout = (SIN Achout) + 127 ' Calculate SIN, offset by 127 to avoid negative values Gosub dacout ' Update DAC Goto mainloop ' Do it forever ' Routine to update DAC outputs dacout: CS = 0 ' Chip select low to activate serial communication Shiftout Din, Sclk, 1, [updateA\8, Achout\8] ' send instruction and value in 16 bits (channel A) CS = 1 ' Chip select high tells DAC to update output CS = 0 ' Chip select low to activate serial communication Shiftout Din, Sclk, 1, [updateB\8, Bchout\8] ' send instruction and value in 16 bits (channel B) CS = 1 ' Chip select high tells DAC to update output Return End Download the program file. |
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