ME Labs, Inc. 719-520-5323 |
ME Labs, Inc. | 1-719-520-5323 | Example Program - BLINK.pbpPICBASIC PRO program to demonstate the BUTTON command. Prints working variable (in this case B0) to show how auto-repeat works. Prints "PRESS" when button is pressed or repeated.' Name : BLINK.pbp ' Compiler : PICBASIC PRO Compiler 2.6 ' Assembler : PM or MPASM ' Target PIC : 12F, 16F or 18F types ' Hardware : Non specific ' Oscillator : internal or external ' Keywords : BUTTON, SEROUT ' Description : PICBASIC PRO program to demonstate the BUTTON command. ' Prints working variable (in this case B0) to show how auto-repeat works. ' Prints "PRESS" when button is pressed or repeated. ' Include "modedefs.bas" ' Include serial modes SO Con 0 ' Define serial output pin B Con 5 ' Define Button input pin B0 Var byte B0 = 0 ' Zero Button Working Buffer mainloop: Button B,1,10,5,B0,0,notp ' Check Button (Skip if Not Pressed) Serout SO,N2400,["Press",13,10] ' Indicate Button Pressed notp: Serout SO,N2400,[#B0,13,10] ' Show Working Variable Pause 100 ' Visual Pause Goto mainloop ' Forever End Download the program file. |
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