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ME Labs, Inc. | 1-719-520-5323 | Example Program - SER2MOD.pbp

PICBASIC PRO Code that demonstrates the use of modifiers with the Serin2 and Serout2 commands.
' Name        : SER2MOD.pbp
' Compiler    : PICBASIC PRO Compiler 2.6
' Assembler   : PM or MPASM
' Target PIC  : 12F, 16F, 18F
' Hardware    : PC serial connection for result display
' Oscillator  : 4MHz internal or external
' Keywords    : MODIFIERS, SERIN2, SEROUT2
' Description : PICBASIC PRO Code that demonstrates the use of modifiers
' with the Serin2 and Serout2 commands.

testword VAR WORD     ' Define word variable
testbyte VAR BYTE     ' Define byte variable
test8    VAR BYTE[8]  ' Define array variable with 8 locations
pinin    VAR PORTC.7  ' Define pinin as PORTC.7
pinout   VAR PORTC.6  ' Define pinout as PORTC.6

' For these examples, assume that the following string
' is being received continuously at 2400 baud on PORTC.7:
' "X-1011Y-546Z-F7ZZ-0001"

   Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("X"),testbyte]
   Serout2 pinout,396,["1: ",testbyte,13,10] ' 1: -

' Waits for ascii "X", then reads the next byte without a modifier.
' Numeric value of testbyte is 45, the ascii code for "-".

   Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("Y"),DEC testword]
   Serout2 pinout,396,["2: ",SDEC testword,13,10]  ' 2: -546

' Waits for ascii "Y", then looks for an ascii string that could represent
' a decimal number. It finds the string "-546", which it converts to a
' signed integer.  Since the value of testword is signed, we use SDEC to
' send it.

   Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("Y-"),DEC testword]
   Serout2 pinout,396,["3: ",DEC testword,13,10]   ' 3: 546

' Same as the above example, but we change the WAIT parameter so that the
' ascii "-" is ignored.  The DEC modifier then finds the first decimal 
' sting, "546".

   Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("X"),BIN testbyte]
   Serout2 pinout,396,["4: ",ISBIN testbyte,13,10] ' 4: %-1011

' Waits for ascii "X", then looks for an ascii string that could represent
' a binary number.  It finds the string "-1011", which it converts to a
' signed integer.  Since the value of testbyte is signed, we use the S
' prefix to send it.  The I prefix inserts the ascii "%" to denote binary.

   Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("X"),BIN testbyte]
   Serout2 pinout,396,["5: ",BIN testbyte,13,10]   ' 5: 11110101

' Same as example 4, but shows what is sent when the I and S prefixes
' are omitted from the SerOut2.

   Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("ZZ-"),BIN testbyte]
   Serout2 pinout,396,["6: ",IBIN4 testbyte,13,10] ' 6: %0001

' Waits for ascii string "ZZ-", then looks for a string that could represent
' a binary number.  It finds "0001", which it converts to a signed integer.
' We use the IBIN4 modifier, which inserts the "%" denoting binary, and 
' sends 4 digits.  With only IBIN, the result is: 6: %1

   Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("X-"),HEX testbyte]
   Serout2 pinout,396,["7: ",IHEX testbyte,13,10]  ' 7: $11

' Waits for ascii string "X-", then looks for a string that could represent
' a hexadecimal number. It finds "1011" which it tries to store in the 
' testbyte variable.  Since the value of $1011 is too large for a single 
' byte, it only stores the least significant 8 bits.

   Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("X-"),HEX2 testbyte]
   Serout2 pinout,396,["8: ",IHEX testbyte,13,10]  ' 8: $10

' Same as example 7, but we have used HEX2 in the SerIn2 statement.
' This causes the compiler to collect the string "10" and store it
' in testbyte.

   Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("Z-"),HEX testbyte]
   Serout2 pinout,396,["9: ",IHEX testbyte,13,10]  ' 9: $F7

' Since this example waits for the string "Z-", it ignores the "1011"
' string.  The first string it finds that could be hex data is "F7".

   Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("Y-"),DEC testword,testbyte]
   Serout2 pinout,396,["10: ",DEC testword,",",testbyte,13,10] ' 10: 546,-

' Waits for ascii string "Y-", then looks for a string that could represent a
' decimal number.  It finds "546" and stores the value in testword.  Since we
' have a second item after testword, it stores the next charater "-" in 
' testbyte.

   Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("Y-"),DEC testword,WAIT("-"),HEX testbyte]
   Serout2 pinout,396,["11: ",IDEC testword,",",IHEX testbyte,13,10] ' 11: #546,$F7

' Waits for the string "Y-", then collects a string that could represent
' a decimal number ("546").  It then waits again for the string "-".  After
' that it collects the next string that looks like hex data, "F7".  We use
' the I prefix to send both numbers to differentiate between decimal and hex.

   Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("Y-"),DEC2 testword,testbyte]
   Serout2 pinout,396,["12: ",DEC testword,",",testbyte,13,10]  ' 12: 54,6

' In this example, we use the DEC2 modifier to collect the only 2 decimal
' digits after the wait-string "Y-" is received.  This results in "54" being
' stored to testword.  The next character is "6", which is stored as ascii 
' in testbyte.

   Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("Y"),SKIP 2,DEC2 testword,testbyte]
   Serout2 pinout,396,["13: ",DEC testword,",",testbyte,13,10]   ' 13: 46,Z

' Waits for the string "Y", then skips the next 2 characters "-5". It then
' collects a 2-digit decimal number ("46") and stores it to testword.  The
' next byte received is "Z", which is stored as ascii to testbyte.

   Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("F"), STR test8\8]
   Serout2 pinout,396,["14: ",STR test8\8,13,10]   ' 15: 7ZZ-0001

' Waits for the string "F", then collects the next 8 characters.  These are
' stored as ascii in 8 locations of the array variable test8.  The SerOut2 
' statement uses the same modifier to send all 8 locations of the array 
' variable as an ascii string.

   Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("Z",45), STR test8\8\"0"]
   Serout2 pinout,396,["15: ",STR test8\8,13,10]   ' 16: F7ZZ-

' This example demonstrates how you can put multiple characters in the
' WAIT.  It waits for the string "Z-", since the ascii code for "-" is
' 45.  The STR item is the same as above except we have added the stop
' character "0".  When it encounters "0" at the sixth character, it 
' replaces it and fills the rest of the test8 array with null characters.

   Pause 2000
   Goto mainloop



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