ME Labs, Inc. 719-520-5323 |
ME Labs, Inc. | 1-719-520-5323 | Example Program - SPISLAVE.pbpPicBasic Pro program SPI slave program (see spimast.pbp for connections) Common ground is required.' Name : SPISLAVE.pbp ' Compiler : PICBASIC PRO Compiler 2.6 ' Assembler : PM or MPASM ' Target PIC : 40-pin 16F or 18F ' Hardware : Lab-X1, Lab-X2 or similar ' Oscillator : 4MHz internal or external ' Keywords : ADCIN ' Description : PicBasic Pro program SPI slave program (see spimast.pbp for connections) ' Common ground is required. ' ' Allocate RAM dataout VAR BYTE[8] ' Data out array SSPEN VAR SSPCON.5 ' SSP Enable bit CKP VAR SSPCON.4 ' Clock Polarity Select SMP VAR SSPSTAT.7 ' Data input sample phase CKE VAR SSPSTAT.6 ' Clock Edge Select bit SSPIF VAR PIR1.3 ' interrupt flag - last bit set i VAR BYTE ' loop counter a VAR BYTE[6] ' Holds 6 characters of data TRISC = %11011111 ' set PORTC I/O SSPCON = %00000101 ' configure SPI slave, no SS CKP = 0 ' clock idle low CKE = 0 ' transmit on idle to active transition SSPIF = 0 ' clear SPI interrupt SMP = 0 ' sample in middle of data ADCON1 = $0e ' PORTA.0 analog, rest PORTA and PORTE pins to digital dataout[0] = "A" ' Preset output data to "ADC= " dataout[1] = "D" dataout[2] = "C" dataout[3] = "=" dataout[4] = " " mainloop: SSPEN = 0 ' disable/enable SSP to reset port SSPEN = 1 GoSub letclear ' wait for byte received IF (SSPBUF <> "?") Then mainloop ' wait for ? to start conversion ADCIN 0, dataout[5]' Read ADC channel 0, store in 6th position of string GoSub senddata ' send "!" and string of data GoTo mainloop ' do it forever senddata: GoSub letclear ' wait until buffer ready SSPBUF = "!" ' send reply For i = 0 to 5 ' loop for 6 array locations GoSub letclear ' wait until buffer ready SSPBUF = dataout[i] ' send array variable Next i ' next location Return letclear: IF SSPIF = 0 Then letclear ' wait for interrupt flag SSPIF = 0 ' reset flag Return End Download the program file. |
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