The 16F648A is a mature device in an 18-pin package.
BLINKX3.pbp | PICBASIC PRO program to blink an LED connected to PORTB.4 about once a second. |
BPX3.pbp | PICBASIC PRO program to simulate an LCD Backpack. |
BUTX3.pbp | PICBASIC PRO program to show button press on LED. |
CLOCKX3.pbp | PICBASIC PRO program for an LCD clock using On Interrupt. Uses TMR0 and prescaler. Watchdog Timer should be set to off at program time and Nap and Sleep should not be used. Buttons may be used to set time. |
COUNTX3.pbp | PICBASIC PRO program to show binary count on 2 LEDS. |
HELLOX3.pbp | PICBASIC PRO program to send 'Hello World' on serial port. |
HSERX3.pbp | PICBASIC PRO program to send and receive from the hardware serial port. LEDs count characters and flash error if none received for 10 seconds. |
LCDX3.pbp | PICBASIC PRO program to display 'Hello World' on LCD. |
POTX3.pbp | PICBASIC PRO program to read a pot and display on LCD. |
SERVOX3.pbp | PICBASIC PRO program to move an RC servo using buttons. Button 1 moves servo left, 2 moves servo right. Press both buttons to center servo. |
TESTX3.pbp | PICBASIC PRO program to test LAB-X3 board. |
UPPERX3.pbp | PICBASIC PRO program for upper case serial filter. |
VUX3.pbp | PICBASIC PRO program to display pot on 2 segment bargraph. The last LED in the graph dims or brightens with changes in the pot. |