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PBP examples written for PIC18F4550 and LAB-XUSB

The LAB-XUSB offers USB connectivity when used with the 18F4550. Some of these examples demonstrate USB, others demonstrate other peripherals on the board.

adci10xu.pbpPICBASIC PRO program to display result of 10-bit A/D conversion on LCD. Connect analog input to channel-0 (RA0).
adcin2xu.pbpPICBASIC PRO program to display result of 8-bit A/D conversion on LCD. Connect analog input to channels 0, 1 (RA0, 1).
adcin8xu.pbpPICBASIC PRO program to display result of 8-bit A/D conversion on LCD. Connect analog input to channel-0 (RA0).
adcxu.pbpPICBASIC PRO program to read pots on 16F877 ADC.
blink4xu.pbpPICBASIC PRO program to blink all the LEDs connected to PORTD.
blinkxu.pbpPICBASIC PRO program to blink an LED connected to PORTD.0 about once a second.
bpxu.pbpPICBASIC PRO program to simulate an LCD Backpack.
butxu.pbpPICBASIC PRO program to show button press on LED.
clockxu.pbpPICBASIC PRO program for an LCD clock using On Interrupt. Uses TMR0 and prescaler. Watchdog Timer should be set to off at program time and Nap and Sleep should not be used. Buttons may be used to set hours and minutes.
dacxu.pbpPICBASIC PRO program to demonstrate the use of the MAX549A Digital to Analog Converter. This program causes the DAC to output a sawtooth wave on channel A and a sinewave on channel B.
hserxu.pbpPICBASIC PRO program to send and receive from the hardware serial port.
i2cwxu.pbpPICBASIC PRO program to read and write to I2C SEEPROMs that require a word-sized address. Writes to the first 16 locations of an external serial EEPROM. Reads first 16 locations back and send to LCD repeatedly.
i2cxu.pbpPICBASIC PRO program to read and write to I2C SEEPROMs Writes to the first 16 locations of an external serial EEPROM. Reads first 16 locations back and send to LCD repeatedly. Note: for SEEPROMs with byte-sized address.
keyxu.pbpPICBASIC PRO program to display key number on LCD.
lcdxu.pbpPICBASIC PRO program to display 'Hello World' on LCD.
rtcxu.pbpPICBASIC PRO program for an LCD clock program using the Dallas DS1307 I2C RTC.
servoxu.pbpPICBASIC PRO program to move RC servo 1 using buttons. Button 1 moves servo left, 2 centers servo, 3 moves servo right.
tempxu.pbpPICBASIC PRO program to read DS1820 1-wire temperature sensor and display temperature on LCD.
testxu.pbpPICBASIC PRO test program for LAB-XUSB.
tonexu.pbpPICBASIC PRO program to create telephone pad tone. Oscillator must be set to 20MHz.
usbcdc.pbpPICBASIC PRO program for PIC18F4550 CDC serial port emulation. Compilation of this program requires that specific support files be available in the source directory. You may also need to modify the file USBDESC.ASM so that the proper descriptor files are included. For detailed information, see the file PBP\USB18\USB.TXT.
usbjadem.pbpPICBASIC PRO USB sample program implements the functionality of the Jan Axelson demo which accepts two numbers from the host, increments each and sends them back. An application running on the host sends the numbers and displays the returned values. Compilation of this program requires that specific support files be available in the source directory. You may also need to modify the file USBDESC.ASM so that the proper descriptor files are included. For detailed information, see the file PBP\USB18\USB.TXT.
USBMOUSE.pbpPICBASIC PRO USB sample program for PIC18F4550 to move mouse cursor. Compilation of this program requires that specific support files be available in the source directory. You may also need to modify the file USBDESC.ASM so that the proper descriptor files are included. For detailed information, see the file PBP\USB18\USB.TXT.
vbarxu.pbpPICBASIC PRO program to measure voltage (0-5VDC) and display on LCD with 2 decimal places. A 60 segment bargraph is also displayed using custom LCD characters.
vmeterxu.pbpPICBASIC PRO program to measure voltage (0-5VDC) and display on LCD with 2 decimal places. This program uses the */ operator to scale the ADC result from 0-1023 to 0-500. The */ performs a divide by 256 automatically, allowing math which would normally exceed the limit of a word variable. Connect analog input to channel-0 (RA0).